The new FIRE&FOOD will be released on April 24th!

“Stay at home!” Barbecuing in the garden with the family is allowed, and perhaps soon with friends too.

Dear readers,

A lot of things have faded into the background in the last few days. The refugee crisis, Syria, Greta, farmers' protests, football and even barbecues. A virus has the whole world holding its breath, bringing it to a standstill. Time to think, to ask questions. Can we continue in the way we have treated ourselves and the earth in recent decades? Are we pursuing the wrong goals, the wrong values? Is a constant increase in gross national product necessary? Certainly not, because the increases always come at the expense of others. Usually those who cannot benefit from capital and economic growth. Whose labor and/or land are exploited to ensure ever more wealth for a few on the one hand. Which on the other hand brings ever more poverty for ever larger parts of the population. Before our eyes, in Europe and the rest of the world. The Corona virus is a product of this seemingly unstoppable exploitation. Despite several warning shots, from swine fever to bird flu, not much has changed so far. When humans and animals come too close to each other due to their increasingly limited living space, there is a great danger that nature will take revenge at some point - just like now!

We should therefore see the current crisis as an opportunity to rethink and readjust our value of life. It is already clear how important social interaction is for us humans, how important a regional food supply or an intact health system is. We at FIRE&FOOD also want to help us get out of the crisis and call out: "Stay at home!" Barbecuing in the garden with the family is allowed, and perhaps soon with friends again. Get some barbecue food or have it brought to you, ideally if it comes from the region. Learn to enjoy this time out. Support the regional barbecue trade, the catering industry, the bakers and butchers with their creative ideas and services when it comes to keeping the supply chains contactless.

Corona also determined our work on the 2020/02 magazine . Some topics could not be covered due to the limited travel, alternative topics had to be found, and the BBQ WEEK in Munich could not take place. Despite the circumstances, we managed to set off a firework display of grilling inspiration in this issue. We would like to thank Metin Calis and Marc Neugebauer for their short-notice commitment.

Stay healthy.
Always a great heat under the grill wishes you

Elmar Fetscher, Editor