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Charcoal & Smoking

8 practical tips for smoking:

When preparing on the gas grill, it is best to use pellets or smoking chips
The shape of the smoker box plays an important role in the gas grill to ensure that the heat is sufficient
The box should not be pressed too full, otherwise the embers will suffocate

If too little smoke is produced, two passes can be made
Only some natural and untreated types of wood are suitable for smoking
Due to its mild aroma, beech wood is perfect for getting started with smoking chips

Wood with a high resin content such as fir or pine should not be used
Aromas of fruit trees such as apple or plum go very well with pork, poultry and fish

Smoking: tradition, enjoyment, passion

Smoking is a process in which the food is permeated with warm smoke during preparation, which is created when dry wood smolders. The aroma is absorbed into the meat, fish, vegetables or cheese and changes the smell and taste of the respective dish. The smoked food not only takes on the typical smoke aroma, but is also preserved at the same time.

The intensity of the aroma depends primarily on the smoking time and the wood used: fruit wood , for example, provides a mild, fruity note, while maple and alder impart a very fine and subtle aroma . However, coniferous woods such as fir are not suitable for smoking due to their high resin content. Wood waste, bark or chemically treated wood must of course not be used and pose a health risk.

When smoking, a distinction is made between hot and cold smoking methods . When smoking hot, a temperature of up to several hundred degrees Celsius is reached, which means that the food is cooked at the same time . When smoking cold, on the other hand, the food is smoked at temperatures of up to 26°C over several days and weeks . However, since cold smoking is a very time-consuming method, hot smoking is usually preferred when using the grill.

Always the right choice:

Wood Smoking Chips

Wood Smoking Chips are smoking chips ,
which are used to flavour the grilled food. Before use, the chips should be soaked in water for half an hour, after which they can be used directly . If you want to use the smoking chips on a charcoal grill , simply add
a handful of smoking chips in the
Embers. For gas and electric grills , however, a smoking box is required in which the chips are then placed.

Wood Chunks

Wood Chunks are small pieces of wood that are left on the wood during smoking.
Grill. During the cooking time, the chunks give off their pleasant smoky aroma over a long period of time. With charcoal grills, the pieces can be put directly into the embers. With gas and electric grills, however, the smoking chunks are placed on the grate. The pieces of wood are 6-7 cm long and guarantee a long-lasting smoldering process!

Wood Planks

Wood Planks are grill boards that are particularly
are well suited for gentle cooking . At the same time, they give the grilled food a particularly tasty smoke and wood aroma during preparation. Before use, the wooden plank should be soaked in warm water for about an hour. Then place the food in the middle of the grill board and place the smoking plank directly over the heat source at a temperature of 180-200°C.

Smoking fish made easy

Whether chub, trout or carp, smoking is more than just an old preservation method: it imparts an extraordinary aroma and gently cooks the smoked food.

Before you can start the actual smoking process, the fish should rest in a brine for between eight and twelve hours . Alternatively, it can be dry-salted by rubbing the fish with salt on both sides and then leaving it to cool for 1.5 hours. After salting, the smoked goods must be rinsed and then dried. This can be done either in the air or using a grill at low temperatures of up to 50°C.

There are various methods for smoking fish, but not all of them are equally good at releasing the aromas and active ingredients . The simplest method involves first heating up the grill and then placing an old pot with a suitable grate insert on the grill. Then you put special smoking powder either directly on the bottom of the pot or on a piece of aluminum foil . The grate is then fixed a few centimeters above it and the fish is then placed on top. Fillets should always be placed with the skin facing down .

Now close the lid and wait until the smoking chips start to smoke from the heat of the grill. The pot now remains on the grill for around ten minutes , depending on its size. Then take the pot down and leave it for a while so that it can cool down.

After the smoking process, the fish should no longer be translucent and can be cooked briefly if necessary . To use this method, the fish only needs to be well salted and peppered beforehand, but preheating is not necessary.

Pictures by Axtschlag BBQ Wood/ IG: @Axtschlag

8 tips for buying charcoal

High-quality charcoal has a short preheating time, long burning time and a low dust content
Beech wood and other hardwoods are particularly suitable for making charcoal
Softwoods, on the other hand, have a short burning time and high sparking

Sustainability: The origin of the charcoal should be taken into account
Seals such as FSC and PEFC provide information about ecological, social and economic standards
DIN test mark guarantees freedom from pitch, petroleum, coke and plastic
High-quality charcoal breaks into many pieces with a bright sound when broken
The charcoal should be stored in a dry place as it attracts moisture

High-quality charcoal

Good charcoal is made from hard hardwood and is produced without any additives. Beech wood is particularly popular because it is very solid and therefore has a high calorific value . Charcoal offers the great advantage that a suitable grilling temperature is reached after just 20-30 minutes . Even very high temperatures of up to 700°C can be easily achieved with high-quality charcoal. The charcoal also gives the food the typical grilled aroma.

Charcoal briquettes

Charcoal briquettes offer the advantage that all pieces are the same size and shape . This means that a constant heat can be given off over several hours . Charcoal briquettes are therefore also ideal for indirect grilling , where the meat is cooked gently and evenly . Briquettes are also the right choice for extended barbecues, as
they can be used over a longer period of time .

Binchotan coal

Binchotan charcoal is a type of charcoal used in Japan that is traditionally used to fire a Shichirin grill or a Japanese Kamado oven. The unique premium charcoal has a carbon composition of almost 100% due to the particularly long and complex manufacturing process! The charcoal is also as hard as iron and does not crumble or blacken. Unlike ordinary charcoal made from beech wood, the burning time is several hours!

Wood Planks from Axtschlag are high-quality grill boards that allow particularly gentle cooking. In addition, the food is
Preparation the special wood aroma of the red cedar. The plank is suitable
particularly good for preparing meat, fish and vegetables

Pit Boss Competition Mix is ​​a complex yet exquisite blend that is versatile and goes with everything. No artificial flavors, spray fragrances, glues or chemicals: Pit Boss hardwood pellets are 100% natural. The raw wood comes from all over North America and ensures an excellent end product.