Special No.6 Grill Food Refinement will be released on 08.09.23!

Dear readers,

As a Swabian, you grow up with it: spaetzle and sauce. And admittedly, that is perhaps the only disadvantage of grilling. Because, unlike in a casserole dish, no sauce is produced during preparation. But if you don't want to do without a sauce or dip when grilling and barbecuing, there are many simple and creative options.

The easiest and quickest way is certainly to buy a ready-made sauce. With little effort, a ready-made sauce can also be pimped up and thus become a specially created taste experience. We show how this works in the new digital FIRE&FOOD Special No.6 . But even a completely homemade sauce is easier to make than you might think. Often it is enough to heat freshly chopped herbs together with a little olive oil, spices and lemon in a pot - and the coating for the grilled sea bass is ready. There are almost no limits to your own creativity when making sauces and dips. We show exactly what is important in our recipes.

In addition to this new FIRE&FOOD sauce and dip special, which also includes marinades, chutneys and relishes, there are other FIRE&FOOD theme specials available - such as the FIRE&FOOD grill menu special and special themes such as "local fish" or "game" on the grill. Each special is always compiled from the large range of themes in the FIRE&FOOD subscription editions and, thanks to the variety of different participants, forms an exciting and imaginative compilation.

All that remains is for us to wish you lots of fun making the DIY sauces and dips. You are sure to enjoy them!

Elmar Fetscher, Editor

Look forward to the digital special No.6 grill food refinement from FIRE&FOOD! The official release date is September 8th, 2023.