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eDossier - Namibia BBQ Story (German)

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18 pages, PDF format, from the FIRE&FOOD magazine issue 04/2017 and issues 01, 02, 03/2018


The eDossier on the topic of "Namibia BBQ Story" shows the diversity of the African country. For the series, FIRE&FOOD visited a cattle farm in the Namibian savannah and was taught the art of Namibian sausage making by native Namibian and butcher Chris Hall. There are also culinary insights into the "Silver Spoon Hospitality Academy" run by Tom and Elke Mutavdzic in Windhoek. The talent academy gives young people in Namibia the chance to learn a profession in the catering industry. In the last part of the enjoyable journey through Namibia there is fish. As much and as fresh as you can only get directly on the coast. Swakopmund and Walvis Bay offer ideal conditions for surfers. The perfect place for adventurers like Brian Bojsen, who travels the world as a professional surfer, photographer and celebrity chef - and surprises us with culinary delicacies typical of the country on our trip together.