FIRE&FOOD subscription (German) - can be cancelled at any time

239 reviews
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  • Regular price €26,00
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FIRE&FOOD in print or combined subscription
(Please select format and desired edition to start subscription!)

In our fast-moving, digitalized world, do you long for real values? Are you looking for unadulterated enjoyment in all facets? You are not alone! More and more people share the desire for more authenticity and no topic combines enjoyment and a free attitude to life more strongly than grilling and barbecue. That is what FIRE&FOOD stands for. We are the magazine for everyone who likes a casual yet sophisticated culinary experience. Who likes to cook and enjoy outdoors - whether with family and friends or for professional reasons. FIRE&FOOD delivers the latest hot topics on grilling, barbecue and outdoor cooking!

Europe's leading grill and barbecue magazine brings you unique grilling pleasure four times a year , reports on the latest trends in the scene and convinces with foolproof recipes.

Don’t want to miss another issue?

Then read FIRE&FOOD in print or combined subscription! The FIRE&FOOD annual subscription is available for the price per year stated above - there are no additional shipping costs. If you take out a combined subscription, you will receive all issues in PDF format in addition to the print version. The digital issues are available as a download, always ready to hand on your PC, smartphone or tablet.

4x per year comfortably home

FIRE&FOOD is delivered 4 times a year to the address of your choice on the official publication date.

Would you like to start your subscription with the current issue? Of course. Simply select it when ordering and we will deliver immediately.

With price advantage

With a print subscription you save 20% compared to buying the magazine individually and you can be sure that you will receive the magazine when it is published.

With the combined subscription (print and digital edition in a package), the price advantage is an unbeatable 50% compared to individual purchases and you can access the digital edition a few days before the official release date.

Can be cancelled at any time -
No minimum term

You can cancel your subscription at any time and without giving any reason. There is no minimum contract period. A call or email to our subscriber service is enough, we promise.

Any amounts paid in advance will of course be refunded to you immediately.

Easy and secure payment

You can pay securely and conveniently at the checkout with credit card, Paypal, instant transfer, Klarna invoice, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Would you like to pay by direct debit or conventional invoice? No problem. Contact our subscriber service directly by phone or email.

What you can look forward to in FIRE&FOOD

Great stories

Our passion for culinary enjoyment gives rise to our ideas for exciting reports from all over the world, in which international grill and barbecue experts present their best recipes. Unusual, guaranteed to succeed - and really delicious. Find fascinating insights into the diverse world of BBQ and get to know interesting people around the globe who live the BBQ lifestyle in all its facets, from cattle farmers in Texas to crab fishermen in the North Sea!

Testing new products

Meaningful accessory and product tests, informative service topics and reports on grill and barbecue events at home and abroad add the right spice, are practical and fun too. With FIRE&FOOD you are always informed about the latest grill trends and technical news.

Recipes and preparation

FIRE&FOOD offers you the best grill and barbecue recipes. The focus is on professional meat and cutting knowledge as well as knowledge of traditional and innovative preparation methods. You will also receive exclusive tips and expert insights from real barbecue professionals.

Find out all about:


Release dates

Our subscription packages

Prices for 1 year / 4 issues

The classic:
Print subscription

Sold out

The classic: Get FIRE&FOOD 4 times a year at a special price: You save 20% compared to buying it individually

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

Our tip:
Combined subscription

Sold out

The best of both worlds: You receive the print edition and have exclusive access to the digital edition a few days before the publication date

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

Purely digital:
Digital subscription

Sold out

Do you just want to read digitally without paper? No problem, then the FIRE&FOOD digital subscription is just right for you.

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

For others:
Gift subscription

Sold out

The perfect gift for all grillers

The subscription ends automatically after one year / 4 issues, you do not need to do anything else.

With gift card to print and present

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Filter Bewertungen:
13 September 2024
Christoph M.
Austria Austria

Gefällt mir

Sehr übersichtlich, Inhalt wie erwartet

31 August 2024
Marko M.
Austria Austria

Super Zeitschrift

Es ist von allem etwas dabei. Toll sind auch die Rezepte

23 August 2024
Stephan B.


15 August 2024
Johannes B.
Germany Germany

Gutes Magazin

Themenvielfalt ist beeindruckend.

08 August 2024
Frank K.
Germany Germany

Fire&Food gute Zeitung

Ich bin mit der Zeitung sehr zu Frieden. Sie ist gut recherchiert und aktuell. Auf der letzten Seite steht immer das Erscheinungdatum der nächsten Ausgabe. Dies sollte man lieber weg lassen, da es häufig um Wochen verfehlt wird. Schön wäre auch wenn es die Zeitung öfter geben würde, evtl 6mal im Jahr. Ansonsten immer weiter so! Danke.

07 August 2024
Michael G.
Germany Germany

Beste BBQ Magazin in D !!!

Einfach Top, alles rund ums BBQ in ausgewogener Mischung (Grillgeräte, Veranstaltungen, Produkttests, Fleischkunde) Leider nehmen die Off-Topic Themen etwas zu (Garten, Kaffee,….), dafür gibt es andere Magazine !

02 August 2024
Seethaler M.
Germany Germany

Schöne Zeitschrift

Gut schöne Rezepte und viele infos

02 August 2024
Dominik S.
Germany Germany


Viele Infos. Coole Rezepte.

02 August 2024
Dirk-Jens S.
Germany Germany

Klasse Zeitschrift

Eine sehr interessante gute Zeitschrift zum Thema grillen und alles was dazugehört! Ein Muss für jeden der gerne am Grill steht!

03 Juli 2024
A. Bureck
Germany Germany

Sehr gutes BBQ Magazin.

Informativ, tolle Grillrezepte und interessante Berichte.

23 Juni 2024
Daniel W.
Austria Austria

Bewertung abgeben,aber wie?

Bestellung aufgegeben,aber nach 10 Tagen noch immer nicht erhalten. Find es schon etwas seltsam,dass man über ein Produkt eine Bewertung abgeben soll,ohne es erhalten zu haben.

22 Juni 2024
Marko R.
Germany Germany

Super Zeitschrift. Viele gute Rezepte und Tips rund ums Grillen

Eine wirklich hochwertig gemachte Zeitschrift, welche über neue Grillarten, Geräte, Tips für das perfekte Gelingen. Für Einsteiger sowie Profis ein perfektes Begleitheft.

16 Juni 2024
Sascha B.
Germany Germany

Super Zeitschrift mit tollen Tipps und Rezepten!

Die Tipps und Rezepte sind gut umzusetzen und auch als erfahrener Griller bekommt man noch Inspirationen und andere Einblicke!

10 Juni 2024
Michael T.

Alles bestens!!

Das ganze Heft

05 Juni 2024
Mike H.
Germany Germany

Tolle Zeitung - viel Info viele Tipps

Alles was man braucht - sehr gut

05 Juni 2024
Karsten L.
Germany Germany


Endlich wieder eine schöne gut erklärte und bebilderte Printausgabe eines tollen Themas zu bekommen �

30 Mai 2024
Holger P.
Germany Germany

Inspirierend - Unterhaltsam - Lehrreich

Mehr durch Zufall bin ich (nachdem es das Beef Magazin nicht mehr gibt) auf das Fire&Food BBQ Magazin gestossen und nach kurzer Recherche bereit ein Abo zu buchen. Das erste Heft ist nun da und ich kann sagen, das war eine gute Entscheidung. Ich geniesse es wieder in all den gebotenen Informationen und Inspirationen zu stöbern. Weiter so - ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Ausgabe.

30 Mai 2024
Volker E.
Germany Germany

Wie immer sehr interessante und informative Berichte!

Ist und bleibt für mich die beste „Fachzeitschrift „ in der BBQ Familie

20 Mai 2024
Michael B.
Germany Germany

Sehr informativ

15 Mai 2024
Simone A.
Germany Germany

Schnelle Lieferung

Mann waren es zu viele Fischernetze Ich finds supi tolle Mischung von allem

FIRE&FOOD in print or combined subscription
(Please select format and desired edition to start subscription!)

In our fast-moving, digitalized world, do you long for real values? Are you looking for unadulterated enjoyment in all facets? You are not alone! More and more people share the desire for more authenticity and no topic combines enjoyment and a free attitude to life more strongly than grilling and barbecue. That is what FIRE&FOOD stands for. We are the magazine for everyone who likes a casual yet sophisticated culinary experience. Who likes to cook and enjoy outdoors - whether with family and friends or for professional reasons. FIRE&FOOD delivers the latest hot topics on grilling, barbecue and outdoor cooking!

Europe's leading grill and barbecue magazine brings you unique grilling pleasure four times a year , reports on the latest trends in the scene and convinces with foolproof recipes.

Don’t want to miss another issue?

Then read FIRE&FOOD in print or combined subscription! The FIRE&FOOD annual subscription is available for the price per year stated above - there are no additional shipping costs. If you take out a combined subscription, you will receive all issues in PDF format in addition to the print version. The digital issues are available as a download, always ready to hand on your PC, smartphone or tablet.

4x per year comfortably home

FIRE&FOOD is delivered 4 times a year to the address of your choice on the official publication date.

Would you like to start your subscription with the current issue? Of course. Simply select it when ordering and we will deliver immediately.

With price advantage

With a print subscription you save 20% compared to buying the magazine individually and you can be sure that you will receive the magazine when it is published.

With the combined subscription (print and digital edition in a package), the price advantage is an unbeatable 50% compared to individual purchases and you can access the digital edition a few days before the official release date.

Can be cancelled at any time -
No minimum term

You can cancel your subscription at any time and without giving any reason. There is no minimum contract period. A call or email to our subscriber service is enough, we promise.

Any amounts paid in advance will of course be refunded to you immediately.

Easy and secure payment

You can pay securely and conveniently at the checkout with credit card, Paypal, instant transfer, Klarna invoice, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Would you like to pay by direct debit or conventional invoice? No problem. Contact our subscriber service directly by phone or email.

What you can look forward to in FIRE&FOOD

Great stories

Our passion for culinary enjoyment gives rise to our ideas for exciting reports from all over the world, in which international grill and barbecue experts present their best recipes. Unusual, guaranteed to succeed - and really delicious. Find fascinating insights into the diverse world of BBQ and get to know interesting people around the globe who live the BBQ lifestyle in all its facets, from cattle farmers in Texas to crab fishermen in the North Sea!

Testing new products

Meaningful accessory and product tests, informative service topics and reports on grill and barbecue events at home and abroad add the right spice, are practical and fun too. With FIRE&FOOD you are always informed about the latest grill trends and technical news.

Recipes and preparation

FIRE&FOOD offers you the best grill and barbecue recipes. The focus is on professional meat and cutting knowledge as well as knowledge of traditional and innovative preparation methods. You will also receive exclusive tips and expert insights from real barbecue professionals.

Find out all about:


Release dates

Our subscription packages

Prices for 1 year / 4 issues

The classic:
Print subscription

Sold out

The classic: Get FIRE&FOOD 4 times a year at a special price: You save 20% compared to buying it individually

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

Our tip:
Combined subscription

Sold out

The best of both worlds: You receive the print edition and have exclusive access to the digital edition a few days before the publication date

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

Purely digital:
Digital subscription

Sold out

Do you just want to read digitally without paper? No problem, then the FIRE&FOOD digital subscription is just right for you.

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

For others:
Gift subscription

Sold out

The perfect gift for all grillers

The subscription ends automatically after one year / 4 issues, you do not need to do anything else.

With gift card to print and present

FIRE&FOOD in print or combined subscription
(Please select format and desired edition to start subscription!)

In our fast-moving, digitalized world, do you long for real values? Are you looking for unadulterated enjoyment in all facets? You are not alone! More and more people share the desire for more authenticity and no topic combines enjoyment and a free attitude to life more strongly than grilling and barbecue. That is what FIRE&FOOD stands for. We are the magazine for everyone who likes a casual yet sophisticated culinary experience. Who likes to cook and enjoy outdoors - whether with family and friends or for professional reasons. FIRE&FOOD delivers the latest hot topics on grilling, barbecue and outdoor cooking!

Europe's leading grill and barbecue magazine brings you unique grilling pleasure four times a year , reports on the latest trends in the scene and convinces with foolproof recipes.

Don’t want to miss another issue?

Then read FIRE&FOOD in print or combined subscription! The FIRE&FOOD annual subscription is available for the price per year stated above - there are no additional shipping costs. If you take out a combined subscription, you will receive all issues in PDF format in addition to the print version. The digital issues are available as a download, always ready to hand on your PC, smartphone or tablet.

4x per year comfortably home

FIRE&FOOD is delivered 4 times a year to the address of your choice on the official publication date.

Would you like to start your subscription with the current issue? Of course. Simply select it when ordering and we will deliver immediately.

With price advantage

With a print subscription you save 20% compared to buying the magazine individually and you can be sure that you will receive the magazine when it is published.

With the combined subscription (print and digital edition in a package), the price advantage is an unbeatable 50% compared to individual purchases and you can access the digital edition a few days before the official release date.

Can be cancelled at any time -
No minimum term

You can cancel your subscription at any time and without giving any reason. There is no minimum contract period. A call or email to our subscriber service is enough, we promise.

Any amounts paid in advance will of course be refunded to you immediately.

Easy and secure payment

You can pay securely and conveniently at the checkout with credit card, Paypal, instant transfer, Klarna invoice, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Would you like to pay by direct debit or conventional invoice? No problem. Contact our subscriber service directly by phone or email.

What you can look forward to in FIRE&FOOD

Great stories

Our passion for culinary enjoyment gives rise to our ideas for exciting reports from all over the world, in which international grill and barbecue experts present their best recipes. Unusual, guaranteed to succeed - and really delicious. Find fascinating insights into the diverse world of BBQ and get to know interesting people around the globe who live the BBQ lifestyle in all its facets, from cattle farmers in Texas to crab fishermen in the North Sea!

Testing new products

Meaningful accessory and product tests, informative service topics and reports on grill and barbecue events at home and abroad add the right spice, are practical and fun too. With FIRE&FOOD you are always informed about the latest grill trends and technical news.

Recipes and preparation

FIRE&FOOD offers you the best grill and barbecue recipes. The focus is on professional meat and cutting knowledge as well as knowledge of traditional and innovative preparation methods. You will also receive exclusive tips and expert insights from real barbecue professionals.

Find out all about:


Release dates

Our subscription packages

Prices for 1 year / 4 issues

The classic:
Print subscription

Sold out

The classic: Get FIRE&FOOD 4 times a year at a special price: You save 20% compared to buying it individually

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

Our tip:
Combined subscription

Sold out

The best of both worlds: You receive the print edition and have exclusive access to the digital edition a few days before the publication date

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

Purely digital:
Digital subscription

Sold out

Do you just want to read digitally without paper? No problem, then the FIRE&FOOD digital subscription is just right for you.

Can be canceled at any time - amounts already paid will be refunded

For others:
Gift subscription

Sold out

The perfect gift for all grillers

The subscription ends automatically after one year / 4 issues, you do not need to do anything else.

With gift card to print and present