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eDossier – Grilling with eggplant (German)

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8 pages, PDF format, from the FIRE&FOOD magazine issue 03/2018


The eDossier on the topic of "Grilling with eggplant" shows the versatility of the eggplant. It is dark purple, it shines and it is indispensable in the kitchens of the Mediterranean countries and the Middle East: the eggplant. Unseasoned, it is rather boring and eaten raw, even a dangerous affair, but steamed, sautéed, deep-fried, boiled, roasted or grilled and seasoned with fresh herbs and spicy spices, it reaches its peak in terms of taste. For FIRE&FOOD, professional chef and grill master Metin Calis takes a creative approach to the eggplant. His culinary style is influenced by traditional Ottoman cuisine, which is a melting pot of different cultures. A wealth of experience that can also be discovered in his recipes.

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03 November 2020
Günter K.
Germany Germany
Grillen mit Auberginen
