Grilled baked apple

Dessert, Vegetarisch -

Grilled baked apple

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎

Quantity for:
approx. 4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:
⧗ individual

Grill(s) & Equipment:
Grill, grill pan


• 2 red apples
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 4 scoops of almond or nut ice cream
• 1 organic lemon
• 4 grill cookies, e.g. gingerbread
Schmidt from Nuremberg

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Halve the apples and remove the core with a fruit ballerina.

Trim the bottom of the apple halves a little so that the apples are stable. Place them next to each other in a small cast-iron pan and put a large knob of butter on each apple. Then place the pan with the apples briefly on the grill over direct heat until the apples start to fry properly. Then move the pan to the indirect heat, close the grill and cook the apples for around 15 minutes.

Place two grill cookies in the middle of a large piece of aluminum foil and carefully seal the whole thing into a loose package. (Alternatively, place them next to each other in a small casserole dish with a lid.) Place on the grill over indirect heat for around 10 minutes, remove from the grill, let rest for 2 minutes, unwrap and break into large pieces.

Halve the washed organic lemon and place it with the cut side down on the grill (preferably on a grill plate or also in a cast iron pan), grill for about 2-3 minutes on direct heat and then let it simmer for another 5 minutes on indirect heat.

Distribute the baked apple halves on the plates, carefully squeeze some warm braised lemon juice over them, place a large scoop of almond or nut ice cream on top and place a few cookie pieces in between.

Recipe by Alexander Herrmann
Alexander Herrmann is a restaurateur, entrepreneur, author, moderator, speaker and entertainer and grew up in a family of hoteliers. The Herrmanns Romantik Posthotel in Wirsberg in the Franconian Forest has been owned by the family since 1869 and is home to two restaurants: a bistro with a modern Franconian interpretation and the gourmet restaurant Alexander Herrmann by Tobias Bätz (2 Michelin stars).

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 02/2022

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