Grilled Caesar Salad
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, fireproof pan
• 2 Romaine lettuce hearts GQB, halved
• 1 pretzel
• 1 tbsp butter
• Cherry tomatoes on the vine
• QS mountain cheese, sliced
• 1 egg yolk (fresh)
• 1 tbsp sour cream
• ½ tsp medium hot mustard
• 100 ml rapeseed oil
• Juice of ½ lemon
• QS oregano, chopped
• QS garlic, finely chopped
Fried chanterelles:
• 125 g chanterelles, ready to cook
• 1 tbsp rapeseed oil
• 2 cl whiskey
• Salt pepper
Bavaria is glowing!
➊ Cut the pretzel into slices and roast in a little butter.
➋ Fry the chanterelles in oil in a hot pan, flambé with the whisky and season with salt and pepper.
➌ Halve the romaine lettuce hearts lengthwise, add a little salt, brush with oil and place on the hot grill until they get some color.
➍ Cut the cherry tomatoes crosswise and place them on the grill until they are hot.
➎ For the marinade, mix the egg yolk with the mustard and sour cream, season with salt and pepper. Slowly stir in the oil and finally add the lemon juice and herbs.
Arrange the lightly grilled romaine lettuce hearts on a plate, garnish with the tomatoes, chanterelles and toasted pretzel slices and pour the dressing over them. Grate the mountain cheese on top.
Recipe by Giuseppe Messina
Giuseppe is an international professional chef with a great passion for regional Bavarian cuisine and a true master of culinary seduction. He presents his dishes in unusual textures and imaginative shapes that always tell a story. He created this recipe for "Bayern glüht" (Bayern glows), a campaign for tested quality from Bavaria in collaboration with FIRE&FOOD.
Pictures: StMELF