Duck á la rotisserie

Geflügel -

Duck á la rotisserie

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
approx. 4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:
⧗ individual

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, skewers


• 1 duck, approx. 2 ½ kg
• 2 tbsp good poultry seasoning
(alternatively mixture of
Salt, pepper from the
Mill and some marjoram)
• 1 onion
• 1 apple
• some sesame oil
• ¼ l apple juice
• ¼ l chicken stock or soup
• Juniper berries
• Bay leaves
• 1 sprig of rosemary
• 200 ml water
• 3 tablespoons salt

There's more for poultry fans in the shop!


Season the duck the day before, or at least a few hours beforehand - either with a good poultry seasoning or with salt, pepper and marjoram. First season the duck well inside, then rub the outside with a little sesame oil and only season lightly, because more salt will be added when grilling. Quarter the onion and apple and stuff into the abdominal cavity.

Fix the prepared duck on the rotisserie using the two clamps – the wings and legs should fit tightly to the body, so it is best to tie them with kitchen string.

Place the rotisserie spit indirectly in the preheated grill at approx. 180 °C. Place a grill tray (e.g. GN tray) under the duck, 2/4 full with a mixture of ¼ l apple juice, ¼ l poultry stock and the spices.

Boil 200 ml of water with 3 tablespoons of salt, allow to cool and pour into a spray bottle. After about 1 ½ hours of grilling, spray the duck with the salt solution for the first time and repeat this process every 20 minutes (two to three times) so that the duck's skin becomes nice and crispy.

Once the duck is ready, let it rest for about 20 minutes.
In the meantime, skim off most of the fat from the grill tray, strain the sauce into a pan, bring to the boil and thicken. Cut up the duck and serve with the sauce.

Red cabbage, dumplings and polenta slices go well as a side dish.

R ecipe by Christoph Gollenz

Christoph Gollenz aka Goli, Austrian champion, BBQ world champion 2011. With his grill team Goli & Chef Partie he is at the top of every competition. More information about Goli and his grill school at

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 04/2020

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