Goose from the smoker
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎
Quantity for:
6 persons
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Smoker
• 1 ready-to-cook goose
(approx. 3–4 kg), with offal
• 6 rolls from the previous day
• 2 eggs
• 300 ml milk
• 50g butter
• Salt, pepper, dried
Marjoram to taste
• 500 g red cabbage from a jar
• 1 freshly grated apple
• 1 bunch of soup vegetables
• 0.75 l dry white wine
• Apple wood chips for smoking
➊ To prepare the filling, cut the bread rolls into small cubes. Heat the milk, melt the butter in it and pour it over the bread rolls. Season with salt, pepper and marjoram and mix the mixture gently. Beat the eggs and add to the cooled bread roll mixture. Mix gently again.
➋ Rub the goose inside and out with salt and pepper. Fill the bread mixture loosely into the goose. Make sure not to stuff it, as the mixture will expand and need space.
Roughly chop the soup vegetables and place them in a ½ GN insert, fill with half a bottle of white wine and place the goose innards on top.
➌ Preheat the smoker - alternatively a smoker, ceramic or gas grill - to 150 degrees °C, place the goose on the grill with the breast facing down and place the GN insert underneath. A lot of fat will come out of the goose during cooking, so keep adding wine to the GN tray.
➍ After 3 hours of cooking, you can start adding smoke using apple wood chips for about 2 hours. Important: Do not pour water on the goose during the entire cooking time, just leave it alone! Turn it over after 5 hours so that it browns nicely all over.
➎ At the end of the cooking time, put the red cabbage in a pan, heat it up and add a finely grated apple. Then remove the GN container and pour the gravy through a sieve. Skim off the fat and thicken the sauce a little. As soon as the goose is ready, take it out of the smoker or grill and carefully remove the stuffing in one piece using a spoon. Then carve and serve with red cabbage, stuffing and sauce.
Recipe by Markus Heusel
Whether it's St. Martin's goose or a Christmas roast: from November to December, geese are many people's favorite poultry. Grill and chef Markus Heusel (center of the picture) has refined the goose with smoke flavors from the Borniak smokehouse.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 04/21