Stuffed zucchini
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, casserole or Dutch oven and a few oak or hickory wood chips
• 6 round zucchini (if these are not available, long, halved zucchini will also work)
• 1 courgette
• 2 eggplants
• 1 fennel bulb
• 2 tomatoes
• 1 clove of garlic
• 4 fresh thyme sprigs
• 2 fresh marjoram sprigs
• 3 sage leaves
• 1 anchovy
• 5 capers
• 2 peppers
• 1 onion
• 4 tablespoons olive oil
• 125g ricotta
• 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
• 200 ml white wine
• Zest of 1 untreated lemon
• coarse sea salt
• Salt
• Pepper
➊ Cut each zucchini and eggplant lengthwise into slices about 2 cm thick and season both sides with coarse sea salt. Leave to rest for about 30 minutes to reduce the water content of the two vegetables and to remove some of the bitter substances from the eggplant. Then wash and pat dry, grill briefly on both sides, and then cut into cubes.
➋ Remove the stalk from the fennel and divide the bulb into individual segments. Grill briefly and cut into cubes. Cut the tomatoes crosswise, blanch briefly in hot, salted water for 10 seconds, then place in ice-cold water and allow to cool briefly - the skin should now come off easily. Peel the tomatoes, quarter them and remove the seeds, collecting the seeds and passing them through a sieve (even if there are only two tablespoons, this work is worth it, as the jelly-like mass between the seeds still contains juice and actually all the flavor of the tomato). Dice the tomato quarters and set aside.
➌ Crush the garlic clove with a knife and remove the stalk, then chop it together with the capers, anchovy, and the picked thyme, marjoram and sage. Set aside.
To fill the zucchini, cut the top off and use a spoon to remove the core (it has no flavor, just a lot of water, so you can throw it away). Place the zucchini on the grill with the opening facing down and grill for 5 minutes. Then remove from the grill and season with a little salt and pepper.
➍ Cut the peppers and onions into small cubes and fry them in olive oil in a casserole dish or Dutch oven placed on the grill. Add the fennel, eggplant and zucchini cubes and close the lid of the grill (note that the lid of the casserole dish is still open). Use the wood chips to create smoke, which will give the vegetable cubes plenty of flavor. Let them sizzle for about 5 minutes. When the vegetables start to take on color, add the garlic mixture and sauté for 10 seconds, then deglaze with white wine and add the tomato cubes. Close the casserole dish and leave on the grill for another 5 minutes and then let it cool down.
➎ Mix the ricotta with the breadcrumbs and 2 tablespoons of olive oil until smooth, add a little salt, pepper, the lemon zest and our “holy” 2 tablespoons of tomato juice and add to the now lukewarm vegetables.
➏ Fill the hollowed-out zucchini with the vegetable mixture and finish cooking in the casserole dish with the lid closed. If necessary, add a little more white wine and cook the excess filling in the casserole dish.
Recipe by Giuseppe Messina
Giuseppe is an international professional chef and a true master of culinary seduction. He presents his dishes in unusual textures and imaginative shapes that always tell a story.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 03/2016