Grilled pineapple with cinnamon sugar, whiskey syrup and lime yoghurt

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Grilled pineapple with cinnamon sugar, whiskey syrup and lime yoghurt

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
easy ◉◎◎◎◎

Quantity for:
approx. 4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:
⧗ individual

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill , electric rotisserie


• 1 pineapple
• 1 untreated lime
• 2 l Greek yogurt
• 500 ml whipped cream
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 150 g cane sugar
• Chipotle flakes
(dried, smoked
• 1 bottle of Scotch whisky syrup
(alternatively: syrup of your choice)
• electric rotisserie

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Line a sieve with a wet tea towel and pour the yoghurt into it. Cover the sieve and let the yoghurt stand and drain for 5 to 8 hours.

Mix the cane sugar with the cinnamon and peel the pineapple, removing the skin and the brown spots. Leave the stalk and possibly the leaves on the fruit.

Prepare a grill with a lid for direct and indirect grilling and attach an electric rotisserie. Put the pineapple on the skewer and place it in the rotisserie. While it is turning, brush it with whiskey syrup and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Repeat this every 10 minutes.

Then grill the fruit in the direct grill zone until the outside is lightly caramelized all around. Remove from the grill and allow to cool slightly. Now cut into pieces, removing the stalk and leaves.

Whip the cream with two tablespoons of Scotch whisky syrup until stiff and add a little lime zest. Mix with the drained yoghurt. Serve with the pineapple pieces and sprinkle a little lime zest and chipotle flakes over everything.

Recipe by Jeanette Rijnbeek Boer
Dutchwoman Jeanette Rijnbeek Boer ( likes to find some peace and quiet by the sea after strenuous days of barbecue competitions. She is in demand as a KCBS judge at championships, organizes barbecue events herself and offers catering to suit the theme.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 03/2018


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