Glazed rabbit liver from the plancha plate on crostini with chickweed
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill with grill plate or plancha
• 500 g rabbit liver
• 5 red onions
• 1 chilli pepper
• 2–3 tablespoons sugar
• 50 ml dark balsamic vinegar
• 1 sprig of thyme
• 1 baguette
• 1 clove of garlic
• Oil for frying
• Salt, pepper from the mill
• Chickweed for decoration
➊ Clean the rabbit liver, cut into small pieces and fry with a little oil on the plancha or grill plate. Halve the onions, cut into thin slices and then add to the liver. Finely chop the chilli pepper according to taste, pluck the thyme from the sprig, chop finely and add both.
➋ Caramelize everything with the sugar and deglaze with the balsamic vinegar. Allow to reduce briefly until the liver and onions are well glazed. Season with salt and pepper.
➌ Cut the baguette into 2 cm thick slices and grill them until golden brown. Then rub with garlic and arrange the finished balsamic rabbit liver on top. Add chickweed straight from the garden as a delicious decoration.
R ecipe by Heiko Arndt
The innovative professional chef from Leipzig is well connected with the top brass of the national cooking and BBQ scene. He loves developing culinary ideas and creating new taste experiences from regional foods. For more information, visit www.profis-am-herd-le.de .
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 02/2024