Chicken drumsticks in pasta tart
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎
Quantity for:
6–8 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Pellet grill
• 12 chicken drumsticks
• 40 slices of chorizo
• 2 packages of round quiche
or tart dough
• 125 g Tricolore pasta
• 1 jar of pickled red chillies,
Use quantity according to taste
• 1 jar of pickled green peppers,
Use quantity according to taste
• 150 g cheese, grated
• 5 slices of Serrano ham
• Sesame seeds
• 1 egg yolk
• BBQ rub of your choice
• Pizza stone
• Cast iron pan
➊ Rub the chicken thighs all over with the BBQ rub and cover and refrigerate for 3 hours.
➋ Preheat the pellet grill – or any other model that has a lid and allows you to set up an indirect grilling zone – to 160 °C.
➌ Spread half of the chorizo slices on the bottom of the pan and place the chicken drumsticks on top, then spread the remaining sausage slices on top. For extra smoky flavor, heat a smoke tube with pellets over the charcoal/gas flame or light it with a lighter and let the pellets glow. When the smoke rises, place the tube next to the pan and cook the chicken drumsticks until they reach a core temperature of 74 °C.
➍ Then remove the pan from the grill and let everything cool down a little. In the meantime, cook the pasta al dente and drain.
Place a tart dough with baking paper on the pizza stone, lift the cooked chicken legs with the sausage slices out of the pan, place them on the dough, making sure that there is a wide edge all around. Spread the pasta on top, then the grated cheese. Add chillies and pepperonis as desired and finally cover everything with the Serrano ham.
➎ Cover with the second dough and seal the edges tightly. In the meantime, heat the grill to 200 °C. Beat the egg yolk, brush the tart with it and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake until the tart is golden brown.
Recipe by Richard Bemelmans
Dutchman Richard Bemelmans from Wild Woodpecker BBQ has made grilling and barbecue his profession, produces his own rubs on a professional level and offers grill workshops and catering. For FIRE&FOOD he prepared a quick dish on the pellet grill.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 03/2018