Venison saddle in lardo coat

Wild -

Venison saddle in lardo coat


for 4 people

• 1 deer loin without bone
(approx. 640 g)
• 2 tbsp garden herb pesto
• 2 oyster mushrooms
• 4 thin slices of lardo
• 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
• 2 tbsp breadcrumbs


Trim the venison and rub it with pesto. The oyster mushrooms
Cut into thin slices, fry and place around the venison saddle.

Chop the sunflower seeds and mix with the breadcrumbs. Wrap the meat in the lardo and roll in the sunflower crumbs. Cook in the grill with the lid closed for about 8 minutes until the core temperature reaches 56°C.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 3-2015


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