Baguette with “heart” and braised vegetables
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎
Quantity for:
4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, fire plate, cast iron pan
• Rabbit heart
• Rabbit liver
• Salt pepper
• Flour
• Rapeseed oil
• 2 x “half” baked baguette
(Finished product)
For the thyme butter:
• 150g butter
• 100 ml olive oil
• some fresh thyme sprigs
• 1–2 garlic cloves
For the grilled vegetables:
• 1 fennel
• 1 red pepper
• 1 yellow pepper
• 1 green pepper
• Olive oil
• Cress for garnishing
➊ For the thyme butter, put all the ingredients in a cast iron pan and let them brown for half an hour at a moderate heat. Season the rabbit heart and rabbit liver with salt and pepper. Then coat in flour and fry in rapeseed oil for 2 minutes on the fire plate.
➋ Take the baguette out of the packaging, halve it, cut it open and dip it in the thyme butter. Bake indirectly at 180 °C for approx.
Bake for 5 minutes.
➌ Remove the seeds from the peppers, peel them and cut each into four equal pieces. If necessary, cut out the hard stalk from the fennel and then cut the rest into wedges.
➍ Heat a fire or grill plate to approx. 200 °C. Sear the vegetables on both sides with olive oil. TIP: Fry the vegetables in a wok on the grill. Top the baked baguette with the vegetables and grilled innards and serve with cress.
Recipe by Thorsten Eickmann
“I can only recommend everyone to try rabbit meat!”
“Only with good products can the result be good!” is not just a saying for Thorsten Eickmann from the Kochbühne Osnabrück, but a real passion for grilling and cooking. www.koch-buehne.de
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 03/2022