Rabbit roulade with parmesan cake and grilled vegetables
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 6 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Plancha, butcher's twine
• 6 rabbit loins
• 10 capers
• Salt pepper
• Olive oil
• Butcher's twine
• 1 pomegranate for garnishing
For the grilled vegetables with parsley pesto:
• 1 celery stick with green
• 1 eggplant
• 1 courgette
• 1 bunch of spring onions
• 1 red pepper
• Olive oil
For the pesto:
• 200 g leaf parsley
• 400 g olive oil
• 100 g peeled almonds
• 4 cloves of garlic
• Salt
For the parmesan cake:
• 200 g flour
• 2 eggs
• 1 packet of baking powder
• 50g sugar
• 5 g salt
• 2 sprigs of rosemary
• 200g milk
• 100 g sparkling water
• 100 g Parmesan cheese
➊ Cut the belly flaps off the rabbit loins and freeze for about 1 hour. Remove the rabbit loins and cut lengthwise into a roulade.
➋ Finely chop the capers. Finely chop or mince the frozen belly flaps. Mix with the capers. Spread the mixture on the rabbit roulades. Roll each one up into a roulade, season with salt and pepper, tie with butcher's twine and briefly fry on all sides on the plancha. Then finish grilling indirectly until the core temperature reaches 58 °C. Tip: If you have any stuffing left over, simply grill some meatballs as well.
➌ For the pesto, lightly brown the almonds in the olive oil in a pan and allow to cool. Chop the parsley and puree with the remaining ingredients in a food processor or with a hand blender.
➍ Cut the eggplant into slices and season lightly with salt. Cut the stalk off the celery. Cut the zucchini lengthways into slices. Remove the seeds and peel the peppers and cut into four equal pieces.
Heat a fire or grill plate to around 200 °C. Fry the vegetables on both sides with olive oil on the direct side, move to the indirect side and pour the pesto over it.
➎ Cut the stuffed rabbit roulades into slices and serve with grilled vegetables and pomegranate seeds. Tip: Fry the celery leaves directly the whole time so that the green part is fried.
➏ For the Parmesan cake, coarsely grate the Parmesan and finely chop the rosemary. Mix all the ingredients together and fry on the plancha in a little rapeseed oil until golden brown on both sides.
Recipe by Thorsten Eickmann
“I can only recommend everyone to try rabbit meat!”
“Only with good products can the result be good!” is not just a saying for Thorsten Eickmann from the Kochbühne Osnabrück, but a real passion for grilling and cooking. www.koch-buehne.de
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 03/2022