Klachl soup with polenta wrap

Schwein -

Klachl soup with polenta wrap

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
6 persons

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:
⧗ individual

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Dutch oven, barbecue area


• 1 kg pork knuckles, Klachln, sawn into approx. 5 cm thick slices
• 300 g soup vegetables (celery, carrots, leeks)
• 2 bay leaves
• to taste: marjoram, juniper berries, caraway, peppercorns, salt
• 1 ½ l water
• 125 g sour cream
• 1 tbsp flour
• Salt
• Pepper
• 1 garlic clove, pressed
• 1 strong shot of apple cider vinegar

For the polenta wraps:
• 125 g fine polenta (1-minute polenta)
• ¼ l beef broth
• 1 small onion, finely diced
• 1 garlic clove, finely diced
• Sea salt from the mill
• Pepper from the grinder
• 3 tbsp clarified butter
• 6 strudel dough sheets

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It is best to use the Dutch oven without a lid directly on the open fire. 

Place the Klachln (pork knuckles) in cold water, bring the water to the boil, skim off the foam that rises. The soup should only simmer gently. After about 1 hour, add the root vegetables and spices and cook for another hour until the knuckle meat is very soft. If you prefer it less rustic, you can now remove the meat from the bones and cut it into smaller cubes. Also cut the vegetables into cubes of about 1 cm.

Mix the sour cream with 1 tablespoon of flour and stir enough of it into the soup until it has a slightly creamy consistency. Season the soup with salt, pepper, vinegar and pressed garlic.

For the Sterz, fry the onion and garlic cubes in a pan with a little clarified butter until translucent. Pour in the beef broth and bring to the boil.

Add the polenta while stirring constantly, reduce the heat and cook for about 3 minutes while stirring constantly until a thick paste forms. Spread the still hot mixture onto a baking tray to a thickness of about 1 ½ cm and leave to cool.

Cut the cold polenta into strips, wrap each strip in a strudel sheet and grill indirectly at 180 °C for about 10 minutes. Serve with the Klachl soup.

R ecipe by Christoph Gollenz

Christoph Gollenz aka Goli, Austrian champion, BBQ world champion 2011. With his grill team Goli & Chef Partie he is at the top of every competition. More information about Goli and his grill school at www.die-grillweltmeister.at

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 01/2017

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