Crispy goose breast with beets and pretzel dumplings
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill (plate), Dutch oven/ kettle, cling film
• 1 kg goose breast with skin + bones
• 1 onion
• 2 tablespoons salt
• Spice bouquet from
Juniper berries, bay leaves,
1 sprig of rosemary and 1 sprig of lovage
• 2 each yellow, orange and
purple beets
• 1 parsley root
• ¼ celery root
• 1 medium sweet potato
• 2 tbsp peanut oil
• 1 tbsp vegetable seasoning
• 1 tab (28 g) dark
(Finished product)
• 2 tablespoons butter
For the pretzel dumplings:
• 300 g pretzels from the previous day
• 50g butter
• 1 onion
• Pepper from the grinder
• Nutmeg
• 1/8 l milk
• 3 eggs
➊ Preparation of the goose breast: Bring 3 liters of water to the boil in a Dutch oven and place the goose breast in it. Halve the onion and fry it on the plate without oil until it is dark brown, then add it to the goose breast along with the spice bouquet. Wash the remaining vegetables, peel everything except the sweet potato and add the peelings to the soup.
➋ Then peel the sweet potato and cut all the vegetables into slices about 5 mm thick, season in a bowl with peanut oil and vegetable seasoning and set aside.
➍ Cut the pretzels into cubes and peel the onion. Then cut into small cubes, sauté in butter and add to the dumpling bread. Season the mixture with pepper and a little nutmeg, but not with salt, as there is enough on the pretzels. Add milk and eggs and mix the mixture well, leave to stand for 20 minutes and use cling film to form 2 sticks of pretzel dumplings.
➎ After 2 hours of cooking, add the dumplings together with the foil to the pot with the goose breast and simmer in the stock for 25 minutes.
After a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes of cooking time in the kettle, remove the goose breast, dip it briefly in cold water and separate the two halves of the breast from the carcass. Pour ¼ l of soup into a pan, add a tablet of gravy and let it simmer for a few minutes.
➏ Meanwhile, grill all the vegetables on the grill plate until they have browned on both sides, then grill the two goose breast halves with the skin side down until the skin is crispy. Add a tablespoon of butter to the vegetables and one to the sauce when it is no longer boiling. Take the dumplings out of the pot, unwrap them and cut them into 2 cm thick slices.
R ecipe by Christoph Gollenz
Christoph Gollenz aka Goli, Austrian champion, BBQ world champion 2011. With his grill team Goli & Chef Partie he is at the top of every competition. More information about Goli and his grill school at www.die-grillweltmeister.at
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 04/2020