Basque-style bone-in chop

Rind -

Basque-style bone-in chop

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
approx. 4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Charcoal grill


• 1 beef chop (approx. 1 kg)
• 1 onion, finely chopped
• 1 iceberg lettuce, torn into bite-sized pieces
• 250 g mild green peppers, marinated in oil
• Olive oil
• Vinegar
• Sal de Añana (mineral salt from the Basque salt works Añana)

Suitable equipment is available in the FIRE&FOOD Shop!


Not only the meat, but also the charcoal used for grilling should be of high quality. We used oak charcoal here. Whether you salt the meat before or after grilling is up to you, but I personally like to rub the chops heavily with Sal de Añana beforehand. Because a Spanish Chuleta is "smart" - it only absorbs as much salt as it needs (which we were able to confirm when we tasted it later; the meat did not taste too salty).

When grilling, you should set the grill at a slight angle. A good chuleta has more fat on one side than the other. Therefore, the chop is placed on the hot, slanted grill with the fat side facing upwards as soon as the grill has reached the desired temperature. The heat melts the fat and the slanted position means that the meat practically brushes itself during the cooking process. This also ensures good taste.

Turn the chop once the underside has reached the desired color. Cook the meat until it is done to the desired degree.

Prepare a light salad with the remaining ingredients, cut the cutlet into slices and serve together.

TIP from Paco Boigues: "A chop on the bone can only be as good when grilled as the quality of the meat allows. It is therefore important to learn as much as possible about the breed and the way the animal was raised. This will also help you develop your own taste over time. The chop we chose for this dish comes from a cow that was allowed to grow up in the north of Spain before being slaughtered. The meat was aged for 40 days."

Recipe by Paco Boigues

BBQ pro Paco Boigues at the grill. He can be found at the Meat Carnival Festival in Valencia, the port city on the southeast coast of Spain, as well as at the recipe shoot with FIRE&FOOD and wherever meat, good humor and barbecue of the highest quality are in demand.

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD 04/2018

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