Corn-fed chicken suprême “Alsatian style”

Geflügel -

Corn-fed chicken suprême “Alsatian style”

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, Dutch oven


• 4 pieces of chicken breast with skin (corn-fed chicken supreme)
• Spruce smoke salt to taste
• black pepper from the mill
• 10 g starch flour
• 40 g clarified butter
• 20g butter
• 10 g garlic, peeled
• 60 g onions, peeled
• 400 g brown mushrooms
• 350 g Riesling (here: Riesling Klingelberger)
• some salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste
• 400 g vegetable stock
• 250 g macaroni or noodles
• 150 g cream
• 40 g chives, chopped

Accessories are available in the shop!


Weigh all ingredients and prepare. Finely dice the onions and slice the garlic. Clean the mushrooms and halve or quarter them depending on their size.

Season the corn-fed chicken supreme on all sides with spruce smoked salt and pepper and dust with the starch.

Prepare the grill for direct grilling with a Dutch oven at 220–240 °C.
Put clarified butter in the Dutch oven and fry the corn-fed chicken supreme all over. This should give rise to strong roasted aromas. Then remove from the Dutch oven.

Now put the butter, mushrooms, onions and garlic in the Dutch oven and fry until not too dark. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and deglaze with the Riesling and stock, close the lid of the grill. Bring everything to the boil, add the pasta and cream and stir in.

Then put the DO lid on, close the grill and bring everything to the boil again. Now reduce the heat in the grill to 160–180 °C indirect heat and remove the DO lid again. Place the corn-fed chicken supreme on top and let everything simmer with the grill lid closed until the pasta is al dente. Depending on the grill and type of pasta, this takes about 15–20 minutes. The chicken pieces should have a core temperature of
reach 72–75 °C.

Sprinkle with chives and serve directly from the Dutch oven.

Recipe by Gerhard Volk and Heiner Haseidl
Professional grill master Gerhard Volk (left in the picture) and Heiner Haseidl have created special and unusual recipes for FIRE&FOOD 04/2022 at the Grill Academy in Durbach, Baden
created for Label Rouge poultry. The
The special features are in the details!
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 04/2022

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