Turkey neck/Pot au feu/Parsnip
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎
Quantity for:
for 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill , wire-clip glasses, bowl
Note: For this recipe, prepare the parsnips a few weeks in advance and start preparing the turkey neck 24 hours before serving.
• 1 kg turkey neck
• 1 ½ l water
• 40 g soy sauce
• 3 pieces of mace, whole
• 3 pieces of cardamom, whole
• 15 g dried porcini mushrooms
• 1 piece of kombu (Asian seaweed)
• Salt
• Zest of 1 organic lemon
For the grilled parsnips:
• 4 parsnips
• 40 ml rice vinegar
• 10g sugar
• 7 g salt
• 2 fresh bay leaves
• 30 g nut butter
• Baldmoney Salt
• Lime oil
• 200 ml warm water
To serve:
• Tahoon cress
• Hazelnut oil
• Nutmeg
➊ Bring the turkey neck to the boil with soy sauce and water. Add the roasted spices, kombu and porcini mushrooms and cover the pot with cling film. Simmer at 65° C for 20 hours. Finely strain the stock, reduce to taste and season with salt. Remove the meat from the turkey neck, season with lemon zest and set aside.
➋ Wash and peel the parsnips, peel some of the strips and cut the rest into thirds crosswise. Marinate the parsnip strips with a little Baldmoney salt and lime oil. Put in a wire jar with the remaining ingredients and 200 ml of warm water and leave to ripen for 12 days at 35 °C. Leave to ripen for at least 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Open the lid every now and then.
R ecipe by Heiko Antoniewicz
Heiko Antoniewicz is a multi-award-winning chef, gourmet, explorer and seeker - because he sees cooking as a constant development. He processes a wide variety of influences in the many facets of his cooking life. From the inspiration of his travels and the work in his "laboratory" he draws the strength to not only develop innovative recipes, but also complete food concepts and product ideas.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 1/2023