Venison in a Dutch oven with pretzel dumpling soufflé

Dutch Oven, Wild -

Venison in a Dutch oven with pretzel dumpling soufflé


• 1 released venison leg
• 1 celery, cut into hazelnut-sized pieces
• 4 medium carrots, in
cut into hazelnut-sized cubes
• 3 onions in large cubes
• 2 tbsp rapeseed oil
• 1 leek, roughly chopped
• 1 tbsp cranberry jam
• 5 cl port wine
• Salt, pepper to taste
• approx. 500 ml game stock

For the spice bag: 1 bay leaf, 8-10 juniper berries, 2 cloves, 1 walnut-sized piece of cinnamon, 3-4 allspice seeds, ½ star anise, 8 black peppercorns

For the pretzel dumpling souffle:
• 150 ml milk
• 2 tablespoons sour cream
• 400 g dry pretzels
• 1 small onion, finely chopped
Cut into cubes
• 50 g leaf parsley, finely chopped
• 4 eggs
• 2 egg whites
• Salt, pepper and nutmeg
and clarified butter as desired


Use a tea bag as a spice bag and add the torn bay leaf and the other spices (preferably briefly roasted and crushed in a mortar). Then salt the venison leg and fry on all sides in the preheated Dutch oven. Remove from the Dutch oven and fry the celery and carrots all over until they have a nice color. Then add the onion and let it sauté, finally add the leek and also sauté well. Now place the venison leg on the vegetables and deglaze with the port wine. Add the game stock, the spice bag and the cranberry jam; the vegetables should be covered with liquid, but not the meat. Braise at a moderate heat (put a few glowing pieces of coal on the Dutch oven lid) for about 1 ½ hours. The core temperature should be about 58-60 °C, then the meat is still pink, juicy and tender. A core temperature of 62-68 °C is also fine, then the meat is no longer quite pink and a bit drier.

PREPARATION Pretzel dumpling soufflé :
Sauté the carrots, celery and onion in a little rapeseed oil in a pan or Dutch oven. After about 5 minutes, add the honey and allow to caramelize slightly, then immediately deglaze with a dash of red wine. Add the remaining ingredients and season with salt, pepper and chopped herbs.

Recipe by Giuseppe Messina for
"Bayern glüht". A campaign of tested quality from Bavaria in cooperation with FIRE&FOOD.

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