Leg of venison with olives on cream puree

Wild -

Leg of venison with olives on cream puree


• 800 g leg of venison
• 0.5 l dark beer for
some dark beer for the
• 200 g Taggiasche olives
• Salt
• Pepper

For the cream puree:
• 1 kg beetroot
• 1-2 avocados
• Juice of 1 lime
• some oil for the foil
• Salt
• Pepper


First remove the skin and tendons from the meat and place it in a vacuum bag together with the dark beer. Vacuum seal and leave to rest for 24 hours - if you don't have a vacuum sealer, put both together in a zip bag and leave to rest for 24 hours.

Prepare a grill with a lid or smoker for 120 °C indirect heat.

Wrap each beetroot in a piece of aluminum foil brushed with oil and place on the grill for around 40 minutes until the beetroot is cooked soft. Then peel and put to one side. Cut the avocados lengthways around the pit and twist the two halves in opposite directions to separate them. Use a spoon to remove the flesh from the halves, chop into small pieces and add to the beetroot with the lime juice. Puree everything finely until it has a nice, velvety consistency. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Put the leg together with the olives in an aluminum or stainless steel bowl and pour in some dark beer. Place in the grill and grill until the core temperature reaches 58 °C.

Arrange the meat on the cream puree.

Variation: Add some pickled and chopped artichokes to the Taggiasche olives

Taggiasche olives come from Liguria and are the first choice for many gourmets when they want a balanced olive flavor for a dish. The taste of these olives is not dominated by a salty, sour or artificial note. They are available in delicatessens or online.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 4-2016

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