Venison cutlet with eggplant fries

Wild -

Venison cutlet with eggplant fries

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎

Quantity for:
see ingredients list

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Plancha/fire plate


• 2.3 venison chops per person
• 1 eggplant, peeled and cut into even fries
• 2-3 sprigs of rosemary
• ¼ onion, finely diced
• 1 garlic clove, sliced
• some green asparagus heads, peeled
• 2-3 Portobello mushrooms or giant mushrooms
• 1 small glass of whiskey
• some butter
• ½ lime

For fans of the hot record!


Another quick plancha dish that requires hardly any preparation, but offers an even greater eating experience! First, season the venison chop and roast it on the hot plancha for 1-2 minutes per side. At the same time, place the eggplant fries on top. Then remove the meat from the plancha and let it rest. Keep an eye on the eggplants, because their cooking time varies greatly depending on how thick the strips are cut.

Now place the garlic and asparagus on the same spot where the meat was previously and keep both moving. Meanwhile, cook the mushrooms upside down. As soon as everything is well roasted, add the chops and place the rosemary sprigs and diced onions on top of the plancha so that the aromas infuse the dish while everything is kept moving. If the aubergine fries were taken off the plancha in the meantime because they were perfectly cooked, place them on the side again to warm up. Finally, deglaze the meat and asparagus with the whiskey, quickly collect the roasted aromas with the spatula and serve. If you dare, you can flambé them on the plancha first!

Place a small piece of butter on the same spot. The fat will release more roasted aromas, which the aubergine fries will then be pulled through. Deglazed with a little lime juice, the slightly bitter note of the aubergine is complemented by a fresh contrast. A delicious main meal from the plancha - hearty, just as the season demands!

Recipe by Chris Sandford

The recipe was written by Chris Sandford. The Scottish chef and judge at the World Association of Chef's Societies (WACS) is always happy to swap the world's professional kitchens for a plancha.

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 04/2017

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