Rib-eye tortilla
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎
Quantity for:
1–2 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Pellet grill , cast iron pan
• 1 Black Angus Rib-Eye, approx. 300 g
• 1 bag of mixed salad
• 1 egg
• Butter
• 1 tortilla
• BBQ sauce of your choice
• 1 glass in spices and oil
pickled feta cheese, diced
• ½ bunch of fresh chives,
• Cast iron pan
➊ Prepare the pellet grill – or any other model that has a lid and can be used to set up an indirect grilling zone – for high heat. If available, use the steak zone and grill the steak on both sides, then bring the core temperature to 48 °C in the indirect grilling zone.
➋ Meanwhile, place a small flat cast iron pan on the grill and melt some butter in it. Once the butter is hot, crack the egg and fry it in the pan.
➌ In the meantime, warm up the tortilla and spread BBQ sauce on it. Place some of the mixed salad on top and then distribute the feta cubes over it. Take the rib eye off the grill and let it rest for a moment, cut into thin slices and place on the tortilla. Finally, place the fried egg on top and garnish everything with chives.
Recipe by Richard Bemelmans
Dutchman Richard Bemelmans from Wild Woodpecker BBQ has made grilling and barbecue his profession, produces his own rubs on a professional level and offers grill workshops and catering. Richard Bemelmans loves the delicate, yet very distinct smoky taste that can be created with pellets.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 03/2018