Classic pork belly from the smoker with potato-celery mash and port wine sauce

Schwein -

Classic pork belly from the smoker with potato-celery mash and port wine sauce

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
4–6 people

Preparation time:
⧗ Start preparing about 48 hours in advance.

Grilling time:

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Ceramic grill /smoker, smoking chips as desired , kitchen paper, pot


• 1 pork belly with rind,
from regional farming
• Favorite rub or magic dust
• Port wine sauce, see recipe
Pork belly sous-vide

For the potato- celery mash:
• 1 ½ kg potatoes
• 800 g celeriac
• 400 ml milk
• 250g butter
• Salt
• Pepper
• Nutmeg

You can find accessories in the FIRE&FOOD Shop

You can find accessories in the FIRE&FOOD Shop

You can find accessories in the FIRE&FOOD Shop


 Pat the pork belly dry with a kitchen towel and if the belly still has bones, carefully cut them off. Then rub all over with your favorite rub or Magic Dust. To help the rub penetrate the meat better, cover and place in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

Set the smoker to 120 °C and place the marinated pork belly. Smoke for 5-7 hours until a core temperature of 75 °C is reached.

Meanwhile, prepare the potato and celery mash. Dice the potatoes and celery and simmer in a little water for about 30 minutes. Then drain and add the pre-warmed milk with the butter. Then mash - small pieces may remain - and season to taste with the spices.

Cut the smoked pork belly into slices and serve with the potato and celery mash and the port wine sauce.

Recipe by Eddy (Schülke) The Butcher

Eddy (Schülke) The Butcher, a native of the Rhineland, is a jack of all trades when it comes to meat and has dedicated his entire life to this topic. As an event griller and grill and BBQ expert, he takes care of the physical well-being of his often prominent guests.

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 01/2024

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