Pork knuckle with fire cabbage

Schwein -

Pork knuckle with fire cabbage

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
approx. 4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:
⧗ individual

Grill(s) & Equipment:
Grill plate, kitchen paper, sieve


• 1 classic pork knuckle
with rind
• 6 tbsp sweet white sausage mustard
• 3 tbsp good BBQ sauce
• 1 tbsp Mississippi BBQ seasoning
or other of your choice

For the fireweed:
• 1 medium-sized pointed cabbage
• 4 tbsp BBQ sauce
• 3 tablespoons olive oil
• BBQ seasoning salt of your choice
(here: Tom's Grill Salt)
• 10 thin slices of bacon
• Chili flakes
• Pepper (here: Tom's grill pepper)

More recipes from Tom Heinzle can be found in FIRE&FOOD 01/2022!

Spices available in the shop!


Make cuts all around the rind of the knuckle at intervals of about 1 cm up to the middle of the fat layer. Then season the rind and the cuts generously with the barbecue spice. Set the grill to indirect heat (140–160° C) and grill the knuckle for 90 minutes with the lid closed.

Mix the mustard with the BBQ sauce and continuously coat the rind of the knuckle with the mixture. Continue grilling the knuckle until it has reached a core temperature of 80 °C. If the glaze is not crispy, simply increase the temperature in the grill to 250 °C for 10 minutes.

For the fire cabbage, halve the pointed cabbage lengthways and remove the stalk. Brush the cut surface with olive oil and sprinkle with a little salt. Now grill the cabbage halves on both sides for 6-8 minutes over direct heat.

Grill the bacon on a hot plancha or grill plate until crispy and then leave to cool on kitchen paper. When the bacon is cold, chop finely.

Cut the cabbage halves into fine strips and grill them using a fireproof sieve directly in the embers or over an open fire for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then mix with the bacon and BBQ sauce. Season to taste with salt, chili and pepper.

R ecipe by Tom Heinzle

Grill and BBQ expert and author Tom Heinzle loves to prepare traditional recipes on the hot grill or hot plate and to expand them with creative ideas.


Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 01/2022

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