Scottish steakburger with date and onion relish

Rind -

Scottish steakburger with date and onion relish

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎

Quantity for:
per burger

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Chopping knife, meat grinder, small pot, grill


• 200 g minced beef from steak meat
(e.g. from Angus beef), chopped by hand or freshly minced

• 1 slice of cheddar
• Salt
• Pepper
• optional: lettuce for decoration
1 slice of farmhouse bread, toasted

For the relish:
• 100 g dates, finely diced
• 1 white onion, thinly sliced
• 2 garlic cloves, diced
• 1 glass of red wine
• 2 dashes of Worcestershire sauce
• ½ tsp ginger, freshly grated

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Before chopping or mincing, make sure the meat is cooled thoroughly - you can put it in the freezer for half an hour beforehand. Season the minced beef well with salt and pepper. Wet your hands with cold water and form the minced meat into a patty. Leave to rest in the fridge until you are ready to grill.

For the relish, place all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Then simmer gently until the onions are cooked and the liquid has reduced.

Grill the patty on both sides until the desired level of doneness is reached.

To serve, place the patty on the toasted bread slice, top with the cheddar slice and spread a generous amount of relish on top. Garnish with a little lettuce if you like, although this is not particularly common in Scotland or the rest of the English-speaking world, where proteins are always preferred. But the recipe can be adapted to suit the continental European palate!

Recipe by Angela McGregor
Angela McGregor is Junior Vice President of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. As a third generation breeder, she follows her grandfather James McGregor and her father William McGregor, both of whom were very successful with their Angus breeding. An uncle breeds Angus in Western Australia - so you could say that this breed is somehow "in her blood".
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 03/2016

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