Westphalian Blind Hen
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎
Quantity for:
4–6 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Dutch Oven Fire Pot
• 250 g white beans
• 250 g bacon cubes
• 500 g green beans
• 350 g carrots
• 750 g potatoes
• 2 medium onions
• 250 g apples (sour)
• some salt, pepper
• ½ l broth
➊ First, place 20 coal briquettes under your cast iron POT. Now put the bacon cubes in the pot and fry them until they are nice and crispy. Shortly afterwards, add the white and green beans and immediately pour the broth into the pot to deglaze.
➋ Cut the carrots into thin slices and put them in the POT. But first it's time to simmer, so put the lid on and spread another 10 briquettes on top.
➌ Meanwhile, you can peel the potatoes and apples and cut them into bite-sized pieces. After about 30 minutes, you can carefully lift the lid, add the apple pieces and potatoes, stir once and close the lid for another 30 minutes.
➍ Finally, season your blind chicken with salt and pepper before you can serve it.
Tip: A few slices of freshly baked rye bread are perfect for polishing the plate after eating.
Recipe by Markus Mizgalski
If you like down-to-earth food - whether in a culinary or interpersonal sense - then the Ruhr area is the right place for you. Markus Mizgalski from Pottfeuer - The Grill Agency is a real boy "from the Pütt" and has prepared pot recipes in the Black Pot for FIRE&FOOD.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 03/2018