Wild hare in wholemeal toast

Wild -

Wild hare in wholemeal toast


For 5 people

• 2 wild hare saddles
• 6 slices of wholemeal toast
• Salt
• Pepper
For the Camembert pears:
• 4 bulbs
• 1 Camembert
• Cranberries


Grill the saddle of hare on all sides and season with salt and pepper.

Remove the edges from the slices of toast and lay them out so that they overlap slightly. Now roll out the toast with a rolling pin. This will ensure that the slices stick together better and don't fall apart later.

To make it easier to roll up, place a sheet of baking paper under the slices of toast. Now place the saddle of rabbit on the toast and roll it up into a roll using the baking paper. Then twist the ends tightly so that everything stays in shape and wrap the roll in aluminum foil. Then grill the bread roll on all sides.
Halve the pears and remove the core using a pear baller.

First grill the pear halves on the cut sides so that they cook and at the same time acquire delicious roasted aromas. After about 3-4 minutes, turn them over and put the Camembert into the pears. Season with a little salt and pepper and garnish with some cranberries. Leave on the grill for a few more minutes so that the other side is also cooked.

Serve with the diagonally sliced ​​saddle of hare.
Benjamin's BBQ tip: If you like variety, you can fill the pears with blue cheese.

Benjamin's BBQ tip: If you like variety, you can fill the pears with blue cheese.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 4-2017

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