Bruschetta salad

Fisch & Meeresfrüchte -

Bruschetta salad


• 1 loaf of white bread, baguette
or Ciabatta from the day before
• 1 garlic clove,
middle stalk/germ
• 2-3 tablespoons olive oil (for roasting
the bruschetta)
• 250 g tomatoes
• 1 red onion
• 8-10 capers
• 2 anchovies
• 125g ricotta
• 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar
(alternatively red wine vinegar)
• 4-5 tablespoons of good olive oil for the

For the pesto:
• 100 g pine nuts (alternatively
Almonds, Cashews,
pistachios etc.)
• 1 garlic clove,
middle stalk/germ
• 1 pot of basil
• Olive oil
• 50 g Pecorino Romano,
grated (alternatively
Parmigiano Reggiano or
Grana Padano)
• Salt


First prepare the pesto (woe betide anyone who mixes or chops!). To do this, roast the pine nuts in a pan without adding any fat, put them in a mortar and grate the garlic over it with a fine grater. Pick the basil leaves and
Roughly tear with your fingers so that the essential oils stand out more and also put it in the mortar. Start grinding and then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil
Once you have a fine paste, add the cheese and continue to emulsify. Finally, add a little salt and top up with olive oil so that
the paste is covered.

Cut the white bread into 1 cm thick slices, rub with garlic and drizzle with olive oil. Place on the grill and grill until crispy on both sides.
Then place in a large bowl. Remove the stalks from the tomatoes and cut into cubes, cut the onion into strips, add the capers and anchovies
Finely chop and add everything together with the ricotta into the bowl with the toasted bread slices and mix together. Add the white balsamic vinegar and the
Add good olive oil and mix in the pesto to taste.

Tip: Pesto will keep in the fridge covered with oil for a few days, but you can also freeze it. Pesto should never be fried and should always be added at the end of warm dishes. This is when the flavors develop most intensely.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 3-2016

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