Ćevapi in flatbread

Rind -

Ćevapi in flatbread


For the Ćevapi:
• 800 g ground beef,
freshly minced
• 200 g minced lamb,
freshly minced
• Salt
• Pepper
• 2 large onions,
finely chopped
• 1 bunch of coriander,

For the flatbread (Somuni):
• 1 kg flour
• 2 packets of dry yeast
• 300 ml lukewarm water
• 300 ml lukewarm milk
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 2 tsp salt
• 50 ml oil
• Black cumin or sesame
to sprinkle


For the Ćevapi, mix the minced meat and season generously with salt and pepper. Knead well with your hands and form the mixture into small, long rolls. Place in a bowl, cover and leave in the fridge for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Grill indirectly at around 220 °C for 12-15 minutes.

For the flatbread, sift the flour into a bowl and mix with the yeast. Add the sugar, salt, water and milk and knead everything with your hands to form a soft dough. Work the dough until it easily comes away from the sides of the bowl. Rub with oil and cover and leave to rise in a warm place until it has almost doubled in size. Then divide the dough into 8 equal pieces with oiled fingers, do not knead! Leave to rest for another 15 minutes.

In the meantime, heat a grill with a lid to high heat (approx. 250-300 °C) and sprinkle a grill plate or pizza stone thickly with flour so that the dough does not stick when baking. With your hands, shape the dough pieces first into balls and then into finger-thick flatbreads and use the back of a knife or a dough spatula to press a lattice pattern into the top. Brush with water and sprinkle with black cumin or sesame seeds. Bake each flatbread for around 7-10 minutes until all are golden brown. The baking time depends on the heat of the grill.
To serve, cut the bread crosswise, fill each with 5 - 10 Ćevapi and sprinkle with fresh coriander and chopped onions. Serve with kajmak, alternatively sour cream, and the typical pepper and eggplant paste ajvar.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 1-2019

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