Meatball with rustic grilled vegetables

Rind -

Meatball with rustic grilled vegetables


• 2 kg veal, roughly chopped
• 250 g veal kidney fat
• 1 pig net
• 3 eggs
• Shell abrasion of 1
untreated lemon
• some freshly grated nutmeg
• 8 cloves
• Salt and pepper
• Butcher's twine

For the side dishes:
• Potatoes
• red and yellow onions
• Leek
• Salt and pepper


Finely chop the cloves with a knife and cut the kidney fat into small pieces. Mix the minced meat, kidney fat and eggs in a bowl, season the mixture with cloves, lemon zest, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Form into a large frikandel roll and roll it up in the pork netting, secure the whole thing with butcher's twine and put it on the skewer.
Preheat the grill to medium heat (approx. 160-180 °C) and insert the skewer. Start the rotisserie and close the lid. Grill until the desired core temperature is reached. For veal, this should be between 60-70 °C. During this time, the pork netting will melt completely and will no longer be visible later.

Place the vegetables, unpeeled and whole, on the hot grill. Turn them regularly until the outside is completely black and the inside is soft, this can take up to 1 ½ hours. Then remove the burnt outside.

To serve, cut the Frikandel into slices and serve with the grilled vegetables.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 2-2018

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