Sea Wolf

Fisch & Meeresfrüchte -

Sea Wolf


• 4 Loup de mer fillets
with skin (sea bass)
• 4 artichokes
• 2 shallots, diced
• 180 g young spinach,
• 1 handful of meadow
and wild herb mixture
• a few sprigs of bronze fennel
• 500 ml dry Riesling
• 1 sprig of lemon verbena
• 1 pinch of sea salt
• 100 ml fish stock
• 1 cup whipped cream
• 5 borage flowers


Rub the fish fillets with a little lemon verbena and sea salt and spread them out on pieces of baking paper. Put the artichokes whole into the coals and cook them. Put a few glowing pieces of coal on the deflector stone, put the young spinach on a small grate and hold it over the glowing coals for a short time; it should only quickly take on a little smoky flavor. Then put the spinach to one side. Now put a handful of meadow and wild herbs mixed with bronze fennel on the embers, spread the fish fillets around them and quickly close the grill lid. Leave to stand for a few minutes; the fish will be flavored by the smoldering herbs. Then either let the fish cook on the baking paper in the grill or heat a piece of butter in an iron pan and fry the fillets on the skin side until crispy - the butter then gives an extra flavor kick.
Remove the artichokes from the embers, clean them and cut the base into wedges. Fry the spinach, the artichoke wedges and the shallot cubes in a pan with a little butter, deglaze with a dash of Riesling and then divide between the plates. Heat the fish stock in a pan, add a little bronze fennel, the remaining Riesling and the cream and bring to the boil. Beat until foamy using the beater disc of the hand blender. Now arrange the fish fillets on the bed of spinach and add some of the sauce. Finally, divide the aromatic borage flowers around; the freshness of the slight acidity is essential here.

Jörg Hibbard: "Here I use the deflector stone directly for grilling. It gives me a very even heat across the surface and I can work with individual coal hotspots directly on the plate, which I need for hot smoking."

FIRE&FOOD Issue 4-2017

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