Mighty Picanha Burger

Burger, Rind -

Mighty Picanha Burger


• 1 Picanha, at least 480 g
(we call it Tafelspitz
• 120 g of the fat cap
• 2 large white onions
• 1 red onion
• Olive oil
• 2 pickled cucumbers
(see recipe page 71)
• ½ bunch lovage
• 500 ml mayonnaise
• 4 slices of cheddar cheese
• 4 burger buns (ready-made product
or homemade)
• Tomato chutney
(Finished product or
• 1 head of lettuce, variety according to
• Salt and pepper


Cut the meat and fat cap into small pieces, mix and season with salt and pepper. Process into minced meat in a meat grinder. Divide the mixture into 4 portions of 150 grams each and form into patties using a hamburger press or by hand. Cover and place in the fridge. Cut the white onions into thin rings and fry in a pan with a little olive oil until soft. Cut the red onion into rings and the gherkins into slices. Mix the lovage leaves with the mayonnaise in a food processor or with a hand blender to make a smooth sauce, season with salt and pepper and place in the fridge.

Take the patties out of the fridge and grill them at at least 200 °C over direct heat for 3 minutes on each side with the lid closed until the core temperature reaches 54 °C. In the last minute, place a slice of cheddar on each patty. Halve the buns and toast the cut edges briefly. First cover the bottom half with a lettuce leaf, spread some lovage mayonnaise on top, then add red onion rings, cucumber slices and the patty. Finally, put a large dollop of tomato chutney on the patty, put the bun lid on and serve.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 3-2019

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