Crayfish omelette

Fisch & Meeresfrüchte -

Crayfish omelette


• 6 noble crayfish
• 300 g bacon, diced
• 200 g onions, diced
• 50g butter
• 10 eggs
• 100 ml cream
• 6 cherry tomatoes


Break the crab meat out of the shell and set aside. Sauté the bacon and onions with a little butter on the hot grill plate. Then add the crab pieces.

Beat the 10 eggs and mix with the cream, season with salt and pepper. Pour onto the grill plate, stir a little and then allow to set slightly. Place the crab, bacon and onion mixture on top and slowly roll it up.

To serve, garnish with the cress and a few cherry tomatoes.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 2-2016


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