Pinwheel Flap Steak

Rind -

Pinwheel Flap Steak

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
approx. 4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:
⧗ individual

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill with grate


• 1 flap steak (approx. 1200 g)
• 1 Scarmozza (smoked
Mozzarella), cut into thin slices
• 100 g Pecorino, grated
• 50 g pine nuts, roasted
and hacked
• 1 bunch of basil
• 12 slices smoked,
air-dried pork cheek
(alternatively air-dried
• Shell abrasion of 1 untreated
• Salt
• Pepper
• old sherry vinegar
• Worcestershire sauce
• Olive oil
• Butcher's twine

For the vegetable profiteroles:
• 150 g choux pastry, in a piping bag
with large star nozzle
• 1 eggplant
• 1 pointed pepper
• 1 zucchini with 3-4 cm diameter
• 6 cherry tomatoes
• 4 oyster mushrooms
• 100 g herb cream cheese
• Onion granules
• Salt
• Pepper
• Olive oil

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Remove the tendon and silver skin from the flap steak and cut into rectangular shapes. Use the sections separately! Cut the flap steak into a butterfly cut. Lightly salt the surface and spray with a little sherry vinegar and Worcestershire sauce. Cover with basil leaves, scarmozza slices, pine nuts and the pork cheek slices one after the other and sprinkle with the pecorino. Season with pepper and lime zest and drizzle with plenty of olive oil. Then roll into a tight roll. Tie with butcher's twine and rub the surface with a little olive oil. Cut the meat roll into slices two fingers wide. Fry the slices on a grill plate at medium heat on both sides, then leave to marinate for around 15 minutes until the core temperature reaches 56-60 °C.

Pipe 8 profiteroles onto a baking sheet. Place a grill with a lid, a bowl of water and a baking stone in the oven and preheat to 220 °C. Place the profiteroles and the baking paper on the baking stone and bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Cook the aubergine and pointed peppers whole at 180°C over indirect heat. Remove the skin from the fully cooked aubergine, puree and season to taste. Peel the pointed peppers, remove the seeds and cut the flesh into pieces to fit the profiterole. Fry the zucchini slices and oyster mushrooms, about 5 mm thick, on both sides on the grill plate until crispy. Cut the cherry tomatoes into thin slices and marinate with onion granules, salt and a little olive oil. Cut open the cooled profiterole and fill each one with aubergine cream, pointed peppers, zucchini, tomato, oyster mushroom and a little herb cream cheese.

BBQ tip: The meat roll can also be made the day before. Then simply wrap it in cling film and store it in the fridge.

Recipe from SWAT-Barbecue
Daniel Nonnenmann is a grill instructor and has successfully competed in competitions with his team members Steffen Kauderer, Matthias Hauser, Arne Frey von Au, Marc-Oliver Karle, Adrian Peller and Cornelia Müller-Nonnenmann. At the 2017 German Grill Championship, the team won the amateur performance class. With the title, they achieved a well-deserved promotion to the professional class.

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD issue 01/2018

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