Beef roulades in onion-mustard sauce

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Beef roulades in onion-mustard sauce

Recipe Facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
6 persons

Preparation time:
⧗ individual

Grilling time:
⧗ individual

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Dutch oven, grill, kitchen twine


• 6 beef roulades or schnitzels, approx. 180-200 g each
• 12 slices of bacon
• 60 g onion-herb mustard (e.g. from Fischerauer)
• 1 large carrot
• 1 large yellow carrot
• 2 large pickled cucumbers
• ½ celery root
• 3 tablespoons oil
• Pepper
• Salt
• Kitchen or butcher’s twine for tying

For the sauce:
• 3 tablespoons butter
• 3 onions, not chopped too small
• ½ l brown beef stock
• 2 tablespoons vinegar
• 1 pinch of sugar
• 1 teaspoon chopped tarragon
• 40 g onion-herb mustard
• Pepper
• Salt

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Flatten the beef schnitzel (or beef roulades if necessary), season with salt and pepper, spread with mustard and top with 2 strips of hamburger bacon each. Cut the vegetables and pickles into even pieces of approx. 1 x 1 x 6 cm.

Top each roulade with a piece of carrot, yellow carrot, gherkin and celery and roll up. Tie with kitchen string.

Preheat the DO on a bed of embers, heat the oil, fry the roulades all over and remove from the pan. Then sauté the sliced ​​onions in butter until they are translucent.

Pour in the beef stock and season to taste with salt, pepper, vinegar, sugar and a little tarragon. Place the roulades in the sauce, close the lid of the Dutch oven, put the barbecue briquettes on top and let simmer for approx. 1 - 1.5 hours.

When the roulades are soft, remove them from the pan and keep them warm. Now quickly stir the mustard into the sauce with a whisk and thicken the sauce a little if necessary.

Place the roulades in the finished sauce and serve. Recommended side dish: tagliatelle or other pasta

R ecipe by Christoph Gollenz

Christoph Gollenz aka Goli, Austrian champion, BBQ world champion 2011. With his grill team Goli & Chef Partie he is at the top of every competition. More information about Goli and his grill school at

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 01/2017

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