Hardcore catfish tartare

Fisch & Meeresfrüchte, Rind -

Hardcore catfish tartare


• 250 g catfish fillet without
Skin and belly
• 1 catfish liver
• 1 apple
• 1 shallot, finely diced
• 2 spring onions,
finely chopped
• Pulp of ½ mango,
• 1 pinch of salt
• 1 pinch of pepper
• 20 ml mild olive oil
(e.g. Moria Elea Manaki)
• some coriander oil
• 20 ml white balsamic vinegar
(e.g. pistol white
Hardcore Balm)
• some oil for frying
• some butter
• some whiskey
• Hardcore balm


For the tartare, dice the catfish fillet and mix with the shallots, spring onions and mango pieces and season with olive oil, coriander oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.

Remove the core from the apple using an apple corer and cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Blanch briefly in boiling salted water, then pat dry and grill each slice briefly on both sides.

For the liver, place a cast iron pan on the grill and add a little oil to the cold pan. Add the catfish liver and a dash of butter, and fry the liver briefly on all sides. Finally, deglaze with a little Whiskey Hardcore Balsam.

To serve, place the apple slices on plates, arrange the tartare dumplings on top and top each with a piece of liver. Drizzle each portion with a little olive oil.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 3-2016

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