Txuleta in the grill

Rind -

Txuleta in the grill


• Txuleta
• Salt


Imanol prepares a txuleta for us so that we can experience the exceptional taste of the meat from the old cows for ourselves. He explains to us that the meat must be taken out of the fridge in good time - at least two hours before grilling - so that the aromas can develop.

He asks us to activate our sense of smell and touch once again and indeed, the meat now has an even stronger buttery aroma, the fat feels soft and creamy. The smell stays on your fingers long after you've eaten. But now the meat goes on the grill, Imanol grills it for four minutes on the first side and turns it over.

Now he rubs the grilled side thickly with salt and the other side is allowed to roast in the heat for four minutes; the meat should still be blue in the middle. To serve, he knocks the excess salt off the steak, puts it on a well-preheated plate and cuts the meat first from the bone and then into thin slices. The thick fat edge is also cut into portion-sized pieces. We are allowed to try it and are delighted. It tastes overwhelmingly aromatic and has a perfectly rounded flavor. The fat melts on your tongue; nothing tastes rancid or oily.

Whether it is the best meat in the world is something everyone has to decide for themselves, but you should definitely try it at least once.

FIRE&FOOD Issue 3-2016

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