Show us your outdoor kitchen: Welcome to Uncle Joe's BBQ Ranch
In the last issue, we asked you to show us - and of course all FIRE&FOOD readers - your creative outdoor kitchens and barbecue areas. And what can we say: We were really overwhelmed by your reaction! The editorial team received many personal stories and photos of great projects and we will be presenting some of them in the next issues. We start with the outdoor kitchen of Jörg Scherieble, who has been infected with the grill & BBQ virus since 1999.
Jörg Scherieble from Lichtenstein, south of Reutlingen, has spent the last two years giving his passion for grilling and BBQ a face. This function was also clearly the focus of the planning, but visually it should also express his preference for holidays in the USA. The redesign of the terrace resulted in a rustic outdoor kitchen that was attached to the existing garden house and forms a visual unit with it. The kitchen is open on three sides, the stone wall and the wooden structure were built by the owner with the help of friends. All of the existing grills were integrated as the "heart" of the whole: the Napoleon Mirage gas grill, which is a few years old but still in good shape, a Big Green Egg, the Otto Wilde Over-Fire and a plancha from Simogas.
The rest of the interior comes from eBay classifieds, such as the stainless steel storage cupboard, the IKEA sink or the old chopping block that Jörg managed to get hold of when a restaurant was being closed down. This created a harmonious vintage look, rounded off with various memorabilia from 36 US vacations. If necessary, the television can be folded out and in winter the whole thing is covered with tarpaulins and heated with a gas oven, so that you can grill in winter without getting cold feet and fingers.
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