Ice Ice Baby
• 20 egg yolks
• 1 litre milk
• 1 l cream
• 450 g sugar
• 100 g glucose
• 2 packets of vanilla sugar
• Pulp of 2 vanilla pods
• 1 pinch of salt
For the bacon:
• a good piece of bacon
(approx. 4-7 cm wide)
• some sugar
• some maple syrup
• some water
• 1 good shot of whiskey
• Dutch oven with lid
for approx. 6 l content
• 1 chimney starter full of
Charcoal briquettes
• approx. 10 kg dry ice
• approx. 10 kg crushed ice
• 1 Styrofoam or cool box
Mix the egg yolks, sugar, glucose and salt with a whisk until everything has dissolved. Put the vanilla pulp, milk and cream in a pan and bring to around 65 °C while stirring. Once the temperature is reached, carefully pour the contents of the pan into the bowl with the egg yolks and stir slowly. Then pour the mixture back into the pan and heat to 75-85 °C while stirring until it thickens. It is important that the mixture does not get too warm and that the egg yolk does not curdle.
Once the mixture has bound, immediately pour it into 1-2 bowls and cool it down with crushed ice until it is only 2-5 °C, so that the temperature difference to the pot is not too great later. First bring the pot to room temperature and then slowly cool it with dry ice in around 2-3 hours to around -25 °C - this works well in a Styrofoam box. Important: When cooling the pot and later adding the mixture, always proceed slowly, the material needs time to adjust to the temperature.
Meanwhile, dice the bacon and fry until crispy. Mix water with a little maple syrup and whiskey and add to the bacon, making sure to drain the fat from the lid first. Slowly caramelize the bacon in the sugar solution until it reaches the desired consistency, then leave to cool on baking paper. Fill the Styrofoam box with the remaining dry ice so that the ice is evenly attached to the outside of the pot. Slowly pour the mixture into the pot and stir until it reaches the desired consistency. Add the bacon in between.
FIRE&FOOD Issue 1-2018