Kitchen Impossible: Marcel Speidel is the original chef in the duel Tim Mälzer vs Haya Molcho
Mainz / February 8, 2022 - On Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 8:15 p.m., the first episode of Kitchen Impossible / Season 7 will be broadcast on VOX. It is also a Kitchen Impossible anniversary show: For the 50th time, Tim Mälzer will compete against exceptional chefs in his popular format. Meat sommelier Marcel Speidel from Mainz is the original chef in the duel Tim Mälzer vs Haya Molcho.
Mälzer and Molcho compete in a duel.
Photo: Credit@RTL/Picture Alliance/Markus Wache
How did we and the EDELBEEF meat boutique become part of the show?
Marcel Speidel, engineer, trained ASADOR (grill master), meat sommelier and managing director of the EDELBEEF meat boutique in Mainz, developed a BBQ basket in 2013. Grilled food - e.g. chicken, rolled roast, legs of lamb, even a pineapple fits in - is cooked over charcoal on a frame, the BBQ Dome. Up to 64 baskets can hang on the BIG Dome - a spectacle! The "Flying Chicken" has already been celebrated at various culinary festivals, including Lucki Maurer, Frank Buchholz and OTTO GOURMET. It is assumed that Tim Mälzer was inspired by it. He also had a score to settle with his competitor Haya Molcho... and that involved high-quality grilling and open fire! So he sent Haya to hell in Mainz.
Which dish did Haya Molcho have to recreate?
We always deal with high-quality food and work with partners who place the highest value on animal welfare, sustainability and respect. This includes Lars Odefey, from whom we buy pedigree poultry such as Bresse Gauloises, pasture-raised chicks and Marans chickens. These are perfect for preparation in the BBQ basket. Speidel is an expert in Chikk'In dishes: stuffed chickens of all kinds. The dish that Haya was served in the black box is from Speidel's Bird-in-Bird series: a stuffed, boneless pasture-raised chick in a Bresse Gauloise pedigree chicken. Matching side dishes.
Marcel Speidel is managing director of the EDELBEEF meat boutique in Mainz and
How did the shoot go? Were there any funny situations? How did Haya Molcho do?
There were 3 major challenges:
- Identify the chicken in the chicken, debone the pasture-fed chicken and fry the skin separately until crispy, taste the special herb mixture and stuff the Bresse chicken with it under the skin so that the herbs do not burn.
- Clip the stuffed chicken into the basket.
- Setting up the frame, cheering it on and keeping an eye on the timing.
Haya needed help setting up the BBQ dome. Lighting a fire and creating a great ember is no problem for her - she's a real fire devil! Funny enough, Haya was always drawn to the embers. Her shoes got burned and she worked barefoot from then on. The black soles of her feet are legendary!
When Haya saw the jury, she felt dizzy:
- TV chef and author Lucki Maurer (
- 2 star chef and meat chef Wolfgang Müller (formerly Horvath Berlin)
- Mainz star chef Frank Buchholz
Whether Haya tasted the herbs, how she cut up the chicken, how the plate was filled and what the jury thinks about it: VOX, February 13, 2022 at 8:15 p.m.
Marcel Speidel's recipes are also available in the FIRE&FOOD bookazine BEST CHICKEN . Available in our shop and in well-stocked bookstores.