Shakshuka for Valentine's Day
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
easy ◉◉◎◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, charcoal, enamelled cast iron pot, chimney starter, heart cookie cutters
• 1 kg pelati + 5 fresh tomatoes
• 4 red peppers
• 2 red onions
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 1 small red hot chilli pepper
• 200 ml strong meat broth (vegetable broth for vegetarians)
• 1.5 glass of red wine 0.2
• 1 tablespoon tomato paste
• 4 eggs olive oil
• Salt
• Pepper
• ½ tsp smoked paprika powder
• ½ tsp ground cumin
Shakshuka: These are poached eggs on a tomato and pepper sauce. The whole thing originally comes from North Africa and then traveled through the countries to Israel. Our version is more hearty without feta cheese and coriander. Just like Freddy's taste: KISS - Keep It Straight & Simple. Just like in love.
➊ First, light the embers. Take a charcoal chimney and fill it one third full. If you want to grill even bigger, you will of course make more coals.
➋ Then we do the mis-en-place and chop everything up. We cut the peppers into strips, the onions into half rings and the tomatoes into eighths. The garlic cloves are crushed so that they still hold together. Remove the seeds from the chilli pepper and cut into half rings.
➌ Now put the coals in the grill, put the grate on top and heat the Lodge enamel pot. Add the olive oil to the pot, but don't let it get too hot - that's not necessary with vegetables. Fry the peppers and onions until they are translucent. Add the garlic and fry the tomato paste briefly. Then deglaze with the red wine and reduce until dry.
➍ Now add the tomatoes and the chilli pepper. When the wine has almost reduced, add the pelati to the pan and chop the large tomatoes. Add the stock, if possible hot. Add cumin and paprika powder and let the whole mess simmer for half an hour.
➎ Finally, add salt and pepper to complete the dish. Now carefully slide the eggs into a well and allow them to set gently. It goes faster if you use the lid. Of course, you can also just close the grill lid if you have one. Then you can get a nice smoky aroma with the right chips.
Freddy's tip: If you want heart-shaped eggs for Valentine's Day, simply place the heart shapes on the Shakshuka surface and let the eggs slide in. This takes a little patience and love, exactly what makes a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Recipe by Freddy Boetzelen
The man behind the coals: Frederik, or Freddy for short, is a trained chef and professional BBQer and lives in the Allgäu region. The self-confessed globetrotter draws inspiration from the world's most diverse treasure troves for his culinary creations.
Exclusive FIRE&FOOD recipe for Valentine's Day